Wednesday 24 August 2011

Why -> How -> What (The Golden Circle)

This is the right order which leads to success, leadership, inspires you and others around you, says this TED talk.
Most of us communicate the other way around, because we don't know the whys of our lifes.

I could personally experience the power of whys a few weeks ago in Ráckeve on a training seminar for Limmud volunteers. The best (most inspiring) part was when we had to answer the following questions in connection with each other:
 - Who are you?
 - What problem do you have / what are you missing?
 - How does Limmud answer this problem/need?
We were forced to think about why we are here, and this was an extremely fruitful experiment.

Martin Luther King changed the course of history by giving the I Have a Dream speech, not the I Have a Plan speech.


I was at a Family Constellation this weekend. One of the participants was a very annoying person, giving longish comments and explanations on whatever was going on / was important for him.
When it came to my constellation, he also gave his usual comments, one of which was extremely helpful, probably the most important part of the whole day.
Moral of the story: I should be more patient. Probably a good way to achieve this is to be conscious about what he/she is talking might be very important for a third person.

Friday 19 August 2011

Working class

According to a study I read, I do belong to the working class. (This was not the main point of the study, but an important lesson for me) My work might be very creative (it is), might require high skills and responsibility (it does), but if I make my living by selling my work for an employer, and not in a managerial position I belong to the working class.
Though probably pretty obvious for any sociologist, this was quite a blow for my elite identity, and made me think more than anything else in the book.